
ОписаниеGeneric Network Access (GAN) testing with the Keysight 8960The E6708A Enhanced GAN license is an extension to the 8960's E6701 or E6703 lab applications, which work in conjunction with the GANC emulator software (E6962B) and customer-supplied access point (WLAN or Bluetooth).The system allows a connected GAN-enabled mobile device to be tested when making either GERAN/UTRAN (G/U) or GAN based voice, data and signaling connections as well as exercising all applicable GAN-to-G/U mode transitions. The system achieves this through simulation or inclusion of all real-world network components required for such procedures. A Keysight 8960 is used as the G/U cell emulator, and a commercial device may be used as the WLAN or Bluetooth access point. This suite supports GAN functional test and is capable of exercising 100% of the GAN conformance test scenarios specified in section 80 of 3GPP TS 51.010.Features include:- GAN discovery and registration- GAN-based speech calls, packet switched data, SMS, DTM- GAN or Geran/UTRAN mode selection, rove-in/out, handover-in/outData Connection
  • Data throughput reporting
  • Support for Release 6 based 3G PS data over GAN
  • Support for GPRS Packet Paging over GAN
  • Support for security-enabled IP in cases where GAN–related IP security features cannot be disabled on the mobile device. Requires customer-supplied Secure Gateway (SEGW) plus Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) server
  • Support for use of the 8960&rsquo,s Digital Audio Interface (DAI) and Real Time Vocoder (RTV) with GAN speech calls
  • Support for use of the AMR-WB speech codec over GAN
  • New MS requested and Stress mode Current Codec options provided for GAN speech calls
Test Support
  • Support for exercising 100% of the GAN conformance test scenarios specified in section 80 of 3GPP TS 51.010
  • Support for 2G CS Ciphering over GAN (requires E6705A license),
  • Support for Cell Broadcast SMS over GAN (all types of 7-bit text and USC2/binary messages fully supported)
  • Plus MUCH more...
GAN Test Configuration
  • A dual-mode GAN enabled device to be tested
  • 8960 Wireless Communications Test Set with E6708A enhanced GAN license
  • Standard PC running Keysight E6962B GANC emulator software
  • Commercial or proprietary WLAN or Bluetooth access points
  • Optional commercial or proprietary SEGWs and AAA servers
  • E6701G (or later) GSM/GPRS Lab Application
  • E6703F (or later) W-CDMA/HSPA Lab Application
  • Optional E6720A Lab Application Annual Contract for the 8960
  • Optional E6704A EGPRS (EDGE) Lab Application
  • Optional E6705A GSM / GPRS / EGPRS Encryption Functionality for Mobile Test
  • Optional E6715A W-CDMA/HSPA Mobile Device Performance with Ciphering
  • Optional E6785 Fast Switching Lab Application